Monday, January 30, 2006


We think of the word "ego" and we think of someone who is in love with oneself. Perhaps, they look in the mirror all day long. Perhaps they are selfish, self-important, always right. But we never think that ego is more than that. In fact, it can be the flipside of being in love with oneself.

Ego can also relate to low self-esteem and low self-worth. Ego is also "poor me, I'm worthless, nobody loves me." Ego is self-hate and all the deprecating words that we say to ourselves or others on our behalf. Why? Because it creates separation. Anything that creates a separate self is ego. Anything that brings us together is universal consciousness or love.

So, we go through our "shift" and emotions come up which is an amazing process. Sometimes, mixed in with these emotions is our own self-judgement. We start to feel sorry for ourself, or pity ourself, or judge ourself for whatever it is. It's very easy to get stuck in that mode. It's important that we keep ourselves forever in truth and understand that this is another "mind-game" of ego -- trying to feed our own negativity when, ultimately, we're releasing in a positive way.

The ego is very strong. It will do everything in its power to keep us in separate consciousness. It only wants that and will play whatever game it takes to hold us back from connecting to 100% loving light. We must strive diligently to connect to God, to lovingkindness, to the fact that we are universally connected. Why so? Because, ultimately, this is where heaven resides right here, right now. Separateness = selfishness = misery = hell. We all need each other. We all have our purpose. We all need help and we all need love. At the same time, we all have the capacity to love and help in our own special ways.

Do we need our ego? Our ego is our individuality, our personality, our special part of ourself that makes us unique in a universal-type way. In books, the ego has been described as a powerful horse that must first be domesticated and once so, serves our spirit and serves the universe. So the taming of the ego means digging deep within and seeing those aspects of self that don't serve anyone. It takes seeing the truths no matter how painful. Then gaining wisdom and understanding, opening one's heart to others, creating and communicating loving energy, letting go of all attachments, and truly being in the moment do we march on the path of spiritual enlightenment.

With this, we learn our place in the cosmos and we learn the truth that our being is not the center of it. We live to love, we live to serve, we live to bring joy and peace to everyone.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Following the Path

The Fool card --

The Fool card shows a man and his dog. All he carries is a small bag of belongings and a rose. He is on the edge of a cliff. His dog is warning him to take heed. His next step is the unknown. Will he land safely on his journey or will he go over the cliff? Notice his confidence that all will be okay -- he doesn't even seem to look down. The rose he holds symbolizes his innermost desires but the rose is white representing purity and perfection. He knows it is time to set out on his journey and he trusts that his next big step will be the right one. However, every card has a positive and negative aspect. The Fool card can also be a warning to take care not to act out of folly and, if you do, to take responsibility for your actions.

There will be a time in everyone's life where they get a message to act. Others will judge, criticize, condemn, but if the desire is divinely driven, we take that leap of faith. No matter how trite, no matter how ridiculous it seems, if it is in our heart and soul to do, we follow with complete trust in our steps and that all will be provided for us. The Fool card is the first card of the tarot. It originally was assigned the number "1" but was changed to the number "0" because the "0" is the number connected with God. It is the all -- the continuity -- the cycle of life.

The flipside is the arrogant one -- the person who sets out on the self-serving path, running over everyone in his way. The person who cares for no one but his own selfish self. He operates in a manipulative, unloving fashion. There are some who feign coming from loving light, but are truly dark. They are called "Brilliant Darkness" or "Dark Magicians." Beware for they walk among us. In fact, they are everywhere to be seen -- TV, books, public speakers even healers. They earn a lot, dole out some useful information, perhaps help some -- but they are out for the glory -- be it money, fame, or reputation.

This doesn't mean all those in the limelight are this way but the ones who truly do the deep work and connect to 100% loving light and universal consciousness will be more inclined to remain quiet and hidden. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, they are serving in the true name of divine and have let go of their own ego desires. All they do is for the grace of God and the furtherment of mankind and they don't chose recognition as there is none when we are all One. The other reason is that some believe that the darkness will always do what it can to hold back the light so these special beings serve humanity secretly yet more powerfully because of their true connections.

How can you know when it's time to set down your path? How can you know if you're serving mankind or your own selfish self? How can you trust when it's time to take that leap of faith? Ask your own higher self -- ask God -- know your truth about what feels right inside. Does it feel right to cheat others, to lie, to steal, to hurt? What feels right to you? Are you shrouded by illusions and distortions and justification for your actions? Or does it feel more right to know that you are following your heart in a way that will serve everyone?

Even if we are the selfish person who goes the "wrong" path, we can all turn back. We all are forgiven. We can all make amends. God -- Love -- it's all the same -- there is no judgement. Some believe in Heaven and Hell but, no matter what happens later, we chose to create our own Heaven and Hell here on Earth simply by our choices. It's never too late to "come back home," correct our path, find our truths. We all have the license and invitation to connect to 100% loving white light at any moment in time.

And is it appropriate then for us to be rewarded for our endeavors? Everything is an exchange of energy. With that said, we receive help and we pass it on. We must live -- pay our rent -- eat. Money is a form of energy. It is okay to exchange spiritual help for money if that is your livelihood and you're helping others. In fact, there are many who would easily take advantage all the time were it simply free. It is important that they give back in some way -- whether to the gift giver or to someone else that needs help, too. Those down the divine path don't focus on the materialism but they know and trust that they will always be provided for due to their "work."

So we must all dig deep within ourselves to find out our truths. We must take a good look constantly at our own dark masks. Cleansing ourselves and giving from our hearts is the way to better the world. We do this and our paths become revealed, we open our hearts, we trust and we take the steps that set us on the way to joy, happiness and, most important, peace on Earth.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Fear vs. Trust

We are all given daily opportunities to learn trust. God, the Universe, Source, the "I AM" in you -- whatever you see as the purest vibration and 100% loving white light -- teaches us daily faith. It starts with a vision and then some form of prayer.

We are born into this world. We grow and experience. We look around and get to see things. Eventually, we reach deep within ourselves and start to learn who we are, what we love, what are dreams are, where we want to be, how we fit into this world. Ultimately, we envision our lives and how and what we wish to create. This vision is unique for every one. This vision comes from our inner knowing, our intuition. There is no right or wrong vision -- there is no judgement about your dreams -- it is yours and you are entitled to anything you desire.

However, when the vision is borne of 100% loving light, you will be supported by the Universe. When the vision is self-serving, you will be functioning of your own will. It's as simple as that.

It is a very powerful thing when God is on your side, but it means learning trust. It means letting go and understanding that the doors will open, the opportunities will arrive. You learn when to sit back and wait patiently and when to follow your hunches and create. God works in mysterious ways that can teach us patience and self-love. It can be a very difficult time waiting for opportunities but the bible says "help always arrives in the 11th hour." Sometimes, we resort to measures driven by fear and not trusting in God.

What if deep down you know that there is a wonderful person out there that you are meant to be with for this lifetime -- your "soulmate"? You have been alone so long. You really want companionship, love. You finally meet someone new! They're kind enough, things are peaceful enough -- but yet -- you just know deep down this person is not for you. Do you stay with them out of fear that you will have to be all alone again if you end things? Do you trust that if you let this person go out of your life then you make room for the right person to come along? Or, do you live from fear, continuing in this unhappy relationship? Some people maintain the unhappy relationship but keep looking on the side for someone new. Which situation is truly based on trust?

What about work? Do we take any job that is offered to us when we have a higher vision or do we wait patiently for the right position to come along. Money makes life very complicated. We need it to survive yet it can rule us. We have bills to pay. We have to do something. Where is the opportunity? When will God provide? Perhaps, we need to just take anything for now. Once again, we're not trusting that "help always arrives in the 11th hour."

What about prayer? What about asking for help? We can ask our friends and strangers for help. Why not ask above? Prayer heeds results. It might not be exactly what we desire and it might not be the timing that we want -- but prayer does work. However, we need to understand that "God doesn't always give us what we want, but he always gives us what we need." When the student is ready, the teacher arrives, along with the lessons that further our growth and lead us along our path.

So tap into your intuition, envision your life and your path on the Earth, ask for help from above, and trust that the help will arrive at the right moment. Those who function from trust vs. fear are truly the masters among us.

Friday, January 13, 2006

What Do We Know?

Before following a spiritual path -- or, at least, consciously -- I would watch the show from the early 90's called "911 Emergency." The show reenacted actual 911 emergency scenarios and it interviewed close friends and family. Sometimes, the "victim" survived and sometimes they didn't. The manner of death might vary from murder, accident or sudden shutdown of the body (heart attack, stroke, blood vessel bursting, etc.) What was interesting at the time was that often there was something that the surviving loved one mentioned very matter-of-factly towards the end of their interview: "They never ever told me they loved me, but that one night they did."

Later, in my spiritual path, I began to wake up and wondered -- do we know that we are about to die? Do we get ready to physically "check out"? What do we know? Do we -- on some level -- chose to die? Native american indians believe that we know when we are ready to move on. Are we just flesh and blood with a coincidental demise? Or, is there a part of us that is running the show -- that decides when it's time to "move on." And, how much responsibility do we have in this?

Firstly, what does it mean to move on? Some believe in reincarnation -- a sort of soul recycling. The body is only a vehicle -- borrowed for a lifetime. We chose families that we have "karma" with to learn our lessons, continue our growth, work on our issues. The people who come into our lives are others we have known in past lives. We are drawn together as yet another opportunity to work out our issues together.

Have you ever met someone that you either loved or hated immediately? If you believe in this, then can it be possible that you already know them from some past lives? Even if this theory of reincarnation were false, would it be to your own benefit to work on understanding why you feel so strongly about this new person? Can you correct this? Can you see that this might also be a mirror of aspects of yourself that you do not want to see? Can you correct this?

Do we reincarnate? Do we recycle so to speak? Are we a body containing an energy system? Are we energy vibrating a specific frequency and connecting to others on that frequency? Are we many levels of being -- some conscious, some unconscious, some serving us, some not. What are we? What moves on? Is it our soul, our higher self? Do we know when we shall pass?

I will be bold and say I think we do -- on some level.

This may be quite controversial -- but if you sit and listen -- with an open mind -- to the horrendous stories that are told on the news -- especially when someone has died quite suddenly -- once, again there is this matter-of-fact statement at the end of the story about how the deceased lost someone they cared about only recently. I have heard two stories of such in the last two days.

One story was an elderly man who was kind enough to open his door and give directions to a passerby in need. The stranger left but the elderly man forgot to re-lock his front door. The stranger came back and ramsacked the elderly man's home and bludgeoned him to death. How awful...and, the newscaster added that the elderly man's wife of a long-time marriage had only died a few months before. Did he want to die? Why didn't he re-lock his door? Did he have "karma" with his murderer? It sounds so cold and callous to say that someone did want to die on some level. We shall never really know the truth. Does it even matter? This was a horrendous deed.

Yesterday, a 14-year old boy died suddenly of a heart attack while playing basketball. He was in good shape, played basketball many times before...what happened? The end of that broadcast mentioned that the saddest part is that now the mother is all alone since her husband -- the father of the boy -- died only a few months before. So did this boy miss his father so much that his heart broke? Perhaps, his soul wanted to be with his father's soul. Was it a landmark day -- such as the father's birthday when this happened? Why did he die playing basketball? Perhaps, this precipitated his heart attack when it was working harder...or, was it to relieve his mother of the burden of his passing knowing that he passed doing what he loved the most -- playing basketball with his friends.

And what about warnings that doing such-and-such will make us sick but yet we continue our behavior until reality comes to pass. Have we not created this or is it all luck of the draw? Once again, what are we truly responsible for?


Why does it happen this way for people? Some people might die if they're in a miserable marriage because they feel there's no way out. What about those who are in fairy-tale situations? Are they moving on to teach the other? Are we in a great school, learning great lessons and then it's time to move on and learn new lessons? Is it all just a coincidence? Is life all about just being here in the moment, then you die and that's it ... or is there more?

Anyway, if there is some truth to this, then can we change our decisions and choices? Can we wake up and begin to be more conscious of our every action and how we affect others? Can our paths be molded and our lessons become less extreme? We have free choice and we should use it well as God intended.

Many people blame. In fact, most of us blame someone. If a woman can't meet a nice man -- she blames all men and vice versa with men blaming women. We blame our parents, we blame our teachers, we blame the government, we blame everyone but ourselves. We all need to take accountability and free our souls.

What is your truth?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Having the World

Tarot: The World

Rune: Acceptance

The World card (as you can see by the link) is a woman who holds two batons, has a laurel on her head, a cloth around her. One leg is crossed behind the other. She is inside of a circular wreath and surrounding it are four symbols which represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac.

The woman's leg is crossed in the same manner as the Hanged Man card except that he has turned inward in his spiritual journey and she has turned outward.

Circles are about continuity. There are no beginnings, no endings -- and yet, everything has a beginning and an end. Everything is a great circle in life. The day, the week, the month, the year, seasons, goes on and on. This card is also similar to the Wheel of Fortune card which is about the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new phase, however, the World card is such on a much bigger level.

When we look at the World card, we see a woman -- perhaps symbolic of rebirth. We're being reborn to the World. Something wonderful is about to happen! All of our efforts are about to pay off! The world is ours for the taking and, yet, it's not a selfish taking -- it's really about giving back to the world. Perhaps, we have now become a wonderful healer or teacher, and all that hard work is now giving us the gifts that we need to go out and help others.

The rune of Acceptance is about finding peace within oneself -- serenity -- through acceptance. Perhaps the serenity prayer is the best example of this:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

It takes patience and hard work to get to a place of acceptance. We all have our own "issues" -- some that are deep in our soul -- and we have to do a lot of self-work to get to a place where we can move beyond the challenges. We pray, we wait, we let go of our "stuff", we trust, we love, we expand in the light. We learn to love and accept everything as it is, change what we can -- we do the work, and the payoff is all of the World and, yet, helping to give back to the World as well. The great circle of life, giving and receiving, karma...

Ultimately, it's all summed up in the words of Sir Paul McCartney:

"And in the end...the love you take is equal to the love you make."

Monday, January 09, 2006

Is It Okay To Get Angry?

Feeling any emotion -- anger, grief, fear, joy -- is a warm welcome surprise!

We all walk around numb. We smoke, eat, drink, work, exercise, watch TV, party -- whatever it is that we do to distract ourselves from ... ourselves.

Yet, it is so important to constantly check in with oneself and see where one is at in terms of emotions. In fact, if you'd like to start, begin with setting your watch to beep every hour and stop what you're doing and listen into your gut ... feel what's in there ... and just be with it. After some time of getting used to how to feel your emotions, you won't have to set your watch anymore. You'll check in naturally all the time and you'll feel the imbalances right away. It doesn't take long to get to this place of being.

When the emotion comes up, it starts as a vibration, a feeling ... sit with it and let it rise up. Watch this emotion as if you're watching a movie, completely detached, yet with it. Up, up, up it will go -- up and out of your system.

You ask -- why is this so important? Because it is okay to feel angry but it is not okay to vent this anger on others. When you're conscious of your emotions you are also conscious of how you treat others.

What's the big deal if I vent my anger on others? The big deal has to do with your soul and the karma that you are trying to clear up in this lifetime.

What is karma? If you have ever heard the expressions "What goes around comes around" or "You reap what you sow," you'd understand the law of karma. Sometimes, it refers to past lives, if you believe in that, but isn't there already a lot of karma in just this one lifetime? How you treat others is how others will treat you. If you put out kindnesses into the world, you will get kindness back. If you are mean and hurtful, then that's what you will get back. It's all a mirror. Some people believe that there is a karma record-keeper to track "good karma" vs. "bad karma" and these people are working very hard to help erase their past history of negativity.

Why worry about the past? Because time is only an illusion and, ultimately, it is all about you and your own own soul and your own accountability for your happiness. Instead of blaming it on others, we must all take responsibility for our lives, our soul growth and our paths.

So how does tapping into and clearing my emotions help me to clear up my "bad karma"? There are two factors happening simultaneously here: (1) You're now conscious of what's going on and conscious of how you're treating others and you will be very careful especially in light of the fact that you don't want to create any more "bad karma"; and (2) As you tap into your emotions, you help to clear those blockages out of your own system, which helps you to feel more free.

So when this emotion comes up, what do I do if I feel I need to express it? There are ways to express emotions without hurting others. If you remember that everything is energy and energy can be neither created nor destroyed, then you will understand that it is important to "transmute" this energy back to the universe. Some form of creativity -- painting, music, etc. can help us clear our emotions as it is a form of meditation. Or simply, meditation where you sit or lie perfectly still is perfect for that! You can let the grief come up, cry, or just clear and you can let the anger come up via the vibration that is moving through you -- you can even scream very quietly if that helps you -- whatever works for you.

This sounds so awful to go through, why would I want to do this? Because, ultimately, you will feel free. It is very challenging at the moment but, after the fact, you will feel completely refreshed and clear.

In short, the negative karma and emotions that we carry are reflected in the dis-ease in our body. Whether you believe this or not, every physical pain does have some emotional connection. Everything that we do, has a repercussion. Start to be conscious, start to clear and you will start down the road of happiness today!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Holding On


4 of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles depicts a man holding on tightly to four coins. In fact, he’s a king and he sits on his thrown, his empire behind him. Kings can represent someone who, on the positive side, is a formidable leader but, on the negative side, is a dictator.

The Pentacles represent earthly goods, money, possessions – even people. The things we think we possess and refuse to let go.

But nothing ever stays the same. The universe is forever contracting and expanding. We can never hold on. In fact, the opposite effect takes place when we attempt to cling: we lose it all. The more we try to control, cling, possess … the more we will lose. On the other hand, the more we cycle everything around – the more we let go, the more we trust, the more we give out, the more returns to us.

This is true of money. This is true of possessions. This is true of people. Are people possessions? Of course not – but, often, we act so. We cannot cling to a person either. We cannot control. We must support them and their choices if we truly love them. That is not the same as enabling someone – that is quite different and usually linked to control.

If someone is ready to leave our life in some form or another – whether a friendship ends or they are ready to leave this lifetime, is it our right to hold onto them? Shouldn’t we honor that it is their time to move on? Sometimes, we impose our will upon others because we think we are wiser, smarter. We can never ever truly know the path of another, can we? We work on ourselves, do the best we can do to help, trust in Source, and let go of controlling others.

We let go and let God and we learn that everything runs in cycles, everything is perfect, and everything that is meant to be – just will be. Sometimes, we have to experience loss so that we may clear the way for the new.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

What Do You Really Want?

What do we all really want?

Do we want money, power, possessions? Do we want control, high ranks, sex?

Yes -- of course, we all want this -- or we all have wanted this at some point.

Yet, deep down, there's this need -- this desire -- this urge to be loved. We all want love. We all want to be understood, nurtured, peaceful, happy. This is really what we all want, yet few of us achieve.

We are controlled by our egos and we let that rule us. We are deluded about what is. We say "I love you" in an attempt to control another. Is this really love? In fact, if you really love someone -- do you ever really even have to say it? What about the people who say it all the time but don't really mean it. They say "I love you", hang up the phone and then bad mouth that person to a stranger. Is this really love? And if you take the risk and say "I love you!" what happens if the person you said it to doesn't respond in the same way. What if they end the relationship because their walls come up. You have now said "I love you", opening your heart wide and how awful it must feel to have a door slammed in your face.

What a risk we all take when we open our hearts and love. Or is that just an illusion/distortion? Perhaps, love has nothing to do with risk. It has nothing to do with gaining something. Love just is.

We can't buy love. We can't possess love. We can't manipulate someone into loving us. Love is not a thing. Love is a vibration. You either love or you don't -- it's as simple as that.

We are born with empty love-tanks. If our parents have filled love-tanks, then they can help to fill ours. We will find a mate, have a wonderful connection to source, our love tanks always full. We can then fill the love-tanks of everyone else, including our children. The cycle, in theory, should go on and on.

However, what happens when our parent's love-tanks are empty. They have a child in desperate hope to fill their own love-tanks. So they suck that child's energy dry. The child grows up, now they search everywhere to get the love that they never got. They revert to their childhood -- unknowlingly -- and find mates to help recreate this history in an attempt to fill up their tanks. They fill it with drama, materialistic goods, high-paying jobs, fancy homes. No matter how much they attempt it -- they can never truly fill their tank and only end up more desperate, more empty, more unhappy -- a never-ending cycle.

Here is the key to filling up your own love-tank:

1. Start to see that everything in life is a mirror and a lesson to learn who you are.
2. Start to catch yourself in everything you do. Don't judge -- just clear.
3. Take responsibility for your life and stop blaming. That even includes your parents.
4. Start to understand there is a higher power. Trust. Open to the Universe.
5. Forgive yourself. Love yourself. Reach deep inside to connect to the "I AM" in you.

We can all have full love-tanks. It all starts from within. We all have the power to be free. Start understanding your truths, today!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Loving Touch

A client was getting a massage. She was talking about her relationship with her fiance. He finally opened up to her that he feels he would like more touch. After much discussion, they determined that his family is more demonstrative than hers. No matter what the excuses, that need is still there for him.

A suggestion was that private massage lessons could help them -- especially her -- learn how to start to feel comfortable touching each other. This idea is a good start but not truly the solution.

As she spoke about her situation, her hands were clasped over her heart -- guarding that area. The relationship is open enough that her own body language was pointed out to her -- laughter and acknowledgement, yet deep rage at her fiance.

Why so much anger at him? Because, he is now challenging her to open her heart. He does not just want touch from her -- he wants what's underneath the touch -- love.

We can all feel the vibration of love when someone caresses us truly from their heart. This is, essentially, what he is looking for...not just touch...but love and touch and/or loving touch.

We can touch someone with our hands, we can touch someone with our words, we can touch someone with a gesture of some sort.

However, we only ever truly touch someone when we touch them from the love that resides in our heart!

I hope that this has touched you in some way today and that you may pass that energy on to someone you love deeply.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Surrendering to Divine

Today we pulled two items: a rune -- "Surrender" and an angel card -- "Metatron".

What does surrender mean? I keep trying to type Surrender and end up typing Serenity. I suppose I'm being guided to give a message here that surrendering and serenity are one and the same.

When I think of the word Surrender, I think immediately of Psalm 23 and especially its first line: "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want."

Surrender means giving up our own personal will to God's will. We "Let Go and Let God" literally. We have no need to control situations, no demands, we just trust that we will be guided to where and what we need to be/do. We can also surrender those aspects of ourselves that don't serve us -- the emotions, negativity, anger, blame. We can dig deep and really see the truths about our own self for our soul's sake. With God's help, we can turn our lives around. We surrender to God, we see our truths, we surrender our aspects, we surrender again. The more we surrender, the more we can grow.

The more we attempt to control other people or situations, the more frustrated and angry we shall become. Control is an illusion as we can never truly control others. So, then we blame them for not being the way we would like them to be. It's an endless cycle ridden with darkness and negativity. We have all been there. What do we end up getting? Only those things that are self-serving and, in the interim, we sell our souls.

The angel card "Metatron" was once a human who walked among us but God brought him up to heaven and handed him the "Book of Deeds." His role is to keep a record of the goodness that we have done in our lives -- even when nobody on Earth knows that you have done something wonderful.

Let's talk about the simplest subject of holding a door for someone. You're in a mall, you hold a door for someone, they don't say "thank you" but just breeze through it as if it's your job. Sometimes, a whole bunch of people go through it without even acknowledging you. What is divine? Do you let the door slam in someone's face? Do you get angry at them that they didn't even say "thank you"? Perhaps, you then yell out "YOU'RE WELCOME!" and underneath is the tone of saying "you rat bastard". And what about when someone lets a door slam in your face? What about when you see them just open the door for themselves and make no effort to even consider others? Do you yell at them "Thanks a lot, buddy!"? Do you get angry at this person or do you feel compassion that they haven't learned yet about how we're all connected?

First of all, the energy that we put out into the world does go somewhere. So even if the person does not say "thank you", somehow that energy goes out into the world. What if that person just learned some horrible news and just wasn't thinking. How dare we judge them as horrible people because they didn't say "thanks." Also, perhaps, even though they didn't acknowledge it at the moment, perhaps they sensed the kindness and now they won't let a door slam in someone's face at the next opportunity because you didn't. That energy does go somewhere. Also, if we expect a "thank you" then we're not doing it for the right reason. We're holding the door out of ego and wanting something in return, not because it's the right thing to do. This is the Age of Aquarius and many of us are waking up but, still, others are fast asleep. The more we stir, the more others will wake, the more positive energy will spread like wildfires. Finally, what goes around, comes around so if we keep putting kindnesses and caring out into the world, it will just automatically come back. Those people who are angry and nasty attract anger and nastiness. They are living their own hell.

Getting back to surrendering to the divine will. It means always being conscious, not judging, making choices to be kind in the world. Even those kindnesses that people don't necessarily see, such as holding a door, moving a stone out of the way on a path, whatever you feel guided. Metatron is taking notes. Sounds extreme, but we need to live our lives knowing that our kindnesses (and nastiness) are being noted somewhere. This is not to live in fear or ego -- this is just to live with an understanding that everything we do in life has an energetic repercussion. We ask Metatron for guidance in letting us surrender to God's will.

We all are learning to do this. Those who have truly learned to surrender are living a heaven on Earth -- they have serenity. They don't judge, condemn, hurt others. They are peaceful warriors spreading their wonders quietly. Wouldn't it be miraculous to be so happy? It is well within our reach.