Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Changes In Life!

Hi everyone! Hope you are all well.

I started these blogs what seems like a long time ago. I really enjoyed writing them and, yet, after a while, needed a break.

I needed a break not because of myself needing a break to relax but because I felt that I didn't want to attempt to write spiritual messages if I were not practicing what I preach. I felt that I might have sounded preachy or insincere -- perhaps, even writing messages to myself. I have been encouraged numerous times from my friends and others who have said that people have enjoyed my messages and in some cases, it has helped with their lives for that moment.

So -- at long last -- here I am -- again!!! Welcome back to me!!! :-)

So today I will write about changes in life. My apartment lease came up and my landlord wants to raise my rent $700 more a month. This is New York and this practice is running rampant in the city. So here I am -- in my apartment that I have poured my heart and soul into -- that I have lovingly attached myself so much to -- and that now I am forced to leave. The prices in New York are getting higher and higher -- banks moving in at every corner -- 2 bedroom apartments cost four million dollars to buy. I told my father how upset I was and his reponse was this: "Every sentence has a period at the end of it."

Yes -- it is true and, unfortunately, a fact of life -- everything has a beginning, a middle and an end.

In relationships -- all relationships -- even friendships -- there is the meeting -- the honeymoon -- the course of the friendship -- and the goodbye -- whether one parts separate ways or dies.

In possessions -- all possessions -- whether an apartment, a piece of clothing, a car, a house, a gadget -- there is the thrill of seeing, buying, using, and then it goes in the trash.

In our own lives, there is the birth, the growing up, the death.

So all this can sound so depressing and sad -- a beginning -- an end -- and that's the story, but, it's really NOT the story!

The story is so much more involved -- the story is in the middle where we share the love, learn the lessons, allow ourselves and others to grow and change. The story also is at the beginning and the end for they are one and the same. The great cycle of life -- rolling on and on -- over and over -- recommencing again.

There is so much beyond our attachments to any one person or thing -- there is the joy and love of the moments shared and the letting go and allowing for the next. My apartment has been a wonderful gift and I leave it to move in with my wonderful boyfriend, moving on to the next great chapter of my life!

So the next time you think beginning and end -- try to change that thought to eternity - because we are here forever.

Love always to you and the world!


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