Thursday, January 05, 2006

What Do You Really Want?

What do we all really want?

Do we want money, power, possessions? Do we want control, high ranks, sex?

Yes -- of course, we all want this -- or we all have wanted this at some point.

Yet, deep down, there's this need -- this desire -- this urge to be loved. We all want love. We all want to be understood, nurtured, peaceful, happy. This is really what we all want, yet few of us achieve.

We are controlled by our egos and we let that rule us. We are deluded about what is. We say "I love you" in an attempt to control another. Is this really love? In fact, if you really love someone -- do you ever really even have to say it? What about the people who say it all the time but don't really mean it. They say "I love you", hang up the phone and then bad mouth that person to a stranger. Is this really love? And if you take the risk and say "I love you!" what happens if the person you said it to doesn't respond in the same way. What if they end the relationship because their walls come up. You have now said "I love you", opening your heart wide and how awful it must feel to have a door slammed in your face.

What a risk we all take when we open our hearts and love. Or is that just an illusion/distortion? Perhaps, love has nothing to do with risk. It has nothing to do with gaining something. Love just is.

We can't buy love. We can't possess love. We can't manipulate someone into loving us. Love is not a thing. Love is a vibration. You either love or you don't -- it's as simple as that.

We are born with empty love-tanks. If our parents have filled love-tanks, then they can help to fill ours. We will find a mate, have a wonderful connection to source, our love tanks always full. We can then fill the love-tanks of everyone else, including our children. The cycle, in theory, should go on and on.

However, what happens when our parent's love-tanks are empty. They have a child in desperate hope to fill their own love-tanks. So they suck that child's energy dry. The child grows up, now they search everywhere to get the love that they never got. They revert to their childhood -- unknowlingly -- and find mates to help recreate this history in an attempt to fill up their tanks. They fill it with drama, materialistic goods, high-paying jobs, fancy homes. No matter how much they attempt it -- they can never truly fill their tank and only end up more desperate, more empty, more unhappy -- a never-ending cycle.

Here is the key to filling up your own love-tank:

1. Start to see that everything in life is a mirror and a lesson to learn who you are.
2. Start to catch yourself in everything you do. Don't judge -- just clear.
3. Take responsibility for your life and stop blaming. That even includes your parents.
4. Start to understand there is a higher power. Trust. Open to the Universe.
5. Forgive yourself. Love yourself. Reach deep inside to connect to the "I AM" in you.

We can all have full love-tanks. It all starts from within. We all have the power to be free. Start understanding your truths, today!


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