Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Fear vs. Trust

We are all given daily opportunities to learn trust. God, the Universe, Source, the "I AM" in you -- whatever you see as the purest vibration and 100% loving white light -- teaches us daily faith. It starts with a vision and then some form of prayer.

We are born into this world. We grow and experience. We look around and get to see things. Eventually, we reach deep within ourselves and start to learn who we are, what we love, what are dreams are, where we want to be, how we fit into this world. Ultimately, we envision our lives and how and what we wish to create. This vision is unique for every one. This vision comes from our inner knowing, our intuition. There is no right or wrong vision -- there is no judgement about your dreams -- it is yours and you are entitled to anything you desire.

However, when the vision is borne of 100% loving light, you will be supported by the Universe. When the vision is self-serving, you will be functioning of your own will. It's as simple as that.

It is a very powerful thing when God is on your side, but it means learning trust. It means letting go and understanding that the doors will open, the opportunities will arrive. You learn when to sit back and wait patiently and when to follow your hunches and create. God works in mysterious ways that can teach us patience and self-love. It can be a very difficult time waiting for opportunities but the bible says "help always arrives in the 11th hour." Sometimes, we resort to measures driven by fear and not trusting in God.

What if deep down you know that there is a wonderful person out there that you are meant to be with for this lifetime -- your "soulmate"? You have been alone so long. You really want companionship, love. You finally meet someone new! They're kind enough, things are peaceful enough -- but yet -- you just know deep down this person is not for you. Do you stay with them out of fear that you will have to be all alone again if you end things? Do you trust that if you let this person go out of your life then you make room for the right person to come along? Or, do you live from fear, continuing in this unhappy relationship? Some people maintain the unhappy relationship but keep looking on the side for someone new. Which situation is truly based on trust?

What about work? Do we take any job that is offered to us when we have a higher vision or do we wait patiently for the right position to come along. Money makes life very complicated. We need it to survive yet it can rule us. We have bills to pay. We have to do something. Where is the opportunity? When will God provide? Perhaps, we need to just take anything for now. Once again, we're not trusting that "help always arrives in the 11th hour."

What about prayer? What about asking for help? We can ask our friends and strangers for help. Why not ask above? Prayer heeds results. It might not be exactly what we desire and it might not be the timing that we want -- but prayer does work. However, we need to understand that "God doesn't always give us what we want, but he always gives us what we need." When the student is ready, the teacher arrives, along with the lessons that further our growth and lead us along our path.

So tap into your intuition, envision your life and your path on the Earth, ask for help from above, and trust that the help will arrive at the right moment. Those who function from trust vs. fear are truly the masters among us.


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