Monday, January 30, 2006


We think of the word "ego" and we think of someone who is in love with oneself. Perhaps, they look in the mirror all day long. Perhaps they are selfish, self-important, always right. But we never think that ego is more than that. In fact, it can be the flipside of being in love with oneself.

Ego can also relate to low self-esteem and low self-worth. Ego is also "poor me, I'm worthless, nobody loves me." Ego is self-hate and all the deprecating words that we say to ourselves or others on our behalf. Why? Because it creates separation. Anything that creates a separate self is ego. Anything that brings us together is universal consciousness or love.

So, we go through our "shift" and emotions come up which is an amazing process. Sometimes, mixed in with these emotions is our own self-judgement. We start to feel sorry for ourself, or pity ourself, or judge ourself for whatever it is. It's very easy to get stuck in that mode. It's important that we keep ourselves forever in truth and understand that this is another "mind-game" of ego -- trying to feed our own negativity when, ultimately, we're releasing in a positive way.

The ego is very strong. It will do everything in its power to keep us in separate consciousness. It only wants that and will play whatever game it takes to hold us back from connecting to 100% loving light. We must strive diligently to connect to God, to lovingkindness, to the fact that we are universally connected. Why so? Because, ultimately, this is where heaven resides right here, right now. Separateness = selfishness = misery = hell. We all need each other. We all have our purpose. We all need help and we all need love. At the same time, we all have the capacity to love and help in our own special ways.

Do we need our ego? Our ego is our individuality, our personality, our special part of ourself that makes us unique in a universal-type way. In books, the ego has been described as a powerful horse that must first be domesticated and once so, serves our spirit and serves the universe. So the taming of the ego means digging deep within and seeing those aspects of self that don't serve anyone. It takes seeing the truths no matter how painful. Then gaining wisdom and understanding, opening one's heart to others, creating and communicating loving energy, letting go of all attachments, and truly being in the moment do we march on the path of spiritual enlightenment.

With this, we learn our place in the cosmos and we learn the truth that our being is not the center of it. We live to love, we live to serve, we live to bring joy and peace to everyone.


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