Monday, January 23, 2006

Following the Path

The Fool card --

The Fool card shows a man and his dog. All he carries is a small bag of belongings and a rose. He is on the edge of a cliff. His dog is warning him to take heed. His next step is the unknown. Will he land safely on his journey or will he go over the cliff? Notice his confidence that all will be okay -- he doesn't even seem to look down. The rose he holds symbolizes his innermost desires but the rose is white representing purity and perfection. He knows it is time to set out on his journey and he trusts that his next big step will be the right one. However, every card has a positive and negative aspect. The Fool card can also be a warning to take care not to act out of folly and, if you do, to take responsibility for your actions.

There will be a time in everyone's life where they get a message to act. Others will judge, criticize, condemn, but if the desire is divinely driven, we take that leap of faith. No matter how trite, no matter how ridiculous it seems, if it is in our heart and soul to do, we follow with complete trust in our steps and that all will be provided for us. The Fool card is the first card of the tarot. It originally was assigned the number "1" but was changed to the number "0" because the "0" is the number connected with God. It is the all -- the continuity -- the cycle of life.

The flipside is the arrogant one -- the person who sets out on the self-serving path, running over everyone in his way. The person who cares for no one but his own selfish self. He operates in a manipulative, unloving fashion. There are some who feign coming from loving light, but are truly dark. They are called "Brilliant Darkness" or "Dark Magicians." Beware for they walk among us. In fact, they are everywhere to be seen -- TV, books, public speakers even healers. They earn a lot, dole out some useful information, perhaps help some -- but they are out for the glory -- be it money, fame, or reputation.

This doesn't mean all those in the limelight are this way but the ones who truly do the deep work and connect to 100% loving light and universal consciousness will be more inclined to remain quiet and hidden. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, they are serving in the true name of divine and have let go of their own ego desires. All they do is for the grace of God and the furtherment of mankind and they don't chose recognition as there is none when we are all One. The other reason is that some believe that the darkness will always do what it can to hold back the light so these special beings serve humanity secretly yet more powerfully because of their true connections.

How can you know when it's time to set down your path? How can you know if you're serving mankind or your own selfish self? How can you trust when it's time to take that leap of faith? Ask your own higher self -- ask God -- know your truth about what feels right inside. Does it feel right to cheat others, to lie, to steal, to hurt? What feels right to you? Are you shrouded by illusions and distortions and justification for your actions? Or does it feel more right to know that you are following your heart in a way that will serve everyone?

Even if we are the selfish person who goes the "wrong" path, we can all turn back. We all are forgiven. We can all make amends. God -- Love -- it's all the same -- there is no judgement. Some believe in Heaven and Hell but, no matter what happens later, we chose to create our own Heaven and Hell here on Earth simply by our choices. It's never too late to "come back home," correct our path, find our truths. We all have the license and invitation to connect to 100% loving white light at any moment in time.

And is it appropriate then for us to be rewarded for our endeavors? Everything is an exchange of energy. With that said, we receive help and we pass it on. We must live -- pay our rent -- eat. Money is a form of energy. It is okay to exchange spiritual help for money if that is your livelihood and you're helping others. In fact, there are many who would easily take advantage all the time were it simply free. It is important that they give back in some way -- whether to the gift giver or to someone else that needs help, too. Those down the divine path don't focus on the materialism but they know and trust that they will always be provided for due to their "work."

So we must all dig deep within ourselves to find out our truths. We must take a good look constantly at our own dark masks. Cleansing ourselves and giving from our hearts is the way to better the world. We do this and our paths become revealed, we open our hearts, we trust and we take the steps that set us on the way to joy, happiness and, most important, peace on Earth.


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