The Spiritual Meaning Behind "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
"Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Gently Down the Stream"
Moving through life, we're told to go with the flow. But...not JUST to go with the flow but to go with the flow...gracefully...gently. This means not to get overly dramatic, not to fight life's pains but to just accept things as they come along. To accept things "beautifully."
"Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily
Life is But a Dream."
The idea is to be merry in life, happy, joyful -- almost as a child would look at life in wonder.
In the end, looking back, it all seems as a dream. Life is so short.
The goal is to be happy and, ironically, it doesn't take a lot of work. It's actually about not working at all and just being...
We're all one as we sing this. Row, row, row your boat.