Relationships and the Holidays
The Knight of Cups
Every card has a positive and negative aspect. The positive aspect of the Knight of Cups is he's a romantic, he's sensitive, kind, caring, imaginative. The negative aspect is that he is a dreamer and often deluded, blinded by love. Somewhere in the middle there's a balance.
This time of year can become very confusing in terms of romance and the Knight of Cups is telling us that we need to find the balance. The New Years (as well as Valentine's Day) put pressure on people to either couple up or be the perfect romantic on those days.
Let's start with new relationships. People are typically lonelier around the holidays. Two single people meet, and out of loneliness, end up together. They feel the pressure to have someone -- anyone -- in their life for New Years and Valentine's Day. By the end of February, they have broken up. Essentially, they have used each other, have they not? Their egos and their reputations led them to come together. It was not out of love. On the other hand, what about the new relationships that don't end up together on a New Years date or Valentine's Day because people deem it as inappropriate -- too quick. Perhaps, they have missed a wonderful opportunity to be together. Once again, done out of ego and not love.
Established relationships also feel the pressure that they have to live up to a certain level of expectation in terms of parties, gifts, demonstrations of love. They have to book an outing at the finest restaurants, wear the finest clothing, buy the finest long-stem roses, the finest jewelry, the finest gifts, or their loved one will feel hurt, disappointed. Real love is a vibration that can not be depicted in material goods.
So, getting back to the Knight of Cups, he is learning that he must balance his dreaminess with his reality and it's nice to find a balance with our loved ones in that way. It's okay to be on Cloud 9 with your loved one. It's okay to have dreams and expectations about the future. Just keep checking in with your own reality of what it is all really about. Love has no expectations, obligations or limits. Love just is.
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