Monday, December 26, 2005

Tsunami Messages

Queen of Pentacles


I asked for a card that would give us all a message for why the tsunami happened last year. I shuffled the deck -- pulled a random card and got the same card we wrote about two days ago: The Queen of Pentacles.

As we discussed, the Queens are symbolic of water, the Pentacles, earth. What better card for a tsunami -- water and earth!

Let's talk about the force we know and love called "Mother Nature or Mother Earth". Is she real? Does she exist? Is she a living creature or just an energetic being? If everything is a macrocosm and a microcosm then she certainly is alive. Think about this -- we have organisms that thrive upon us and we need them to live -- a parasitic relationship. This is the same for the Earth. We are her parasites. If the organisms on us are balanced, we stay healthy. When we are out of balance, we get sick -- we purge ourselves of toxins in some form or another. It's the same for the Earth. She purges herself of toxins via eruptions of volcanos, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.

The Queen of Pentacles is about balancing the material world with the intuitive world. We all have contributed to the destruction of this planet in some form or another. Even the recycling that is going on now is not enough. It's not even about the pollution, it's about arrogance, ego, hate, fear, violence. Who would want this negative energy around them? Wouldn't you do anything to shake it off if you were a loving, kind, caring, spiritual being? Mother Earth is loving and kind and nurturing. She is only attempting to protect herself (and her "children").

So, last year, she exploded and it happened on the most religious day of the year -- the anniversary of the birth of another incredible being -- Jesus Christ. She needed to cleanse herself and took many beings with her. It was not selective. These people were just there -- nothing personal.

Although some people of greater knowing may argue that Mother Earth was ridding herself of "darkness." There are areas on this Earth that are more dark, more ominous than others. Some people feel that bad things happen in certain areas to cleanse that area. Others might become very angry at these statements. Think about the places in the world that are imbued with anger and hatred and the cleansings that have come to pass, perhaps you can connect to your truths, deep within yourself, and understand.

However, there are lighter beings -- even in dark areas. These people will just know to get away. Off the coasts of Thailand, there were people who were so in-tune with nature, they heard the messages, and got to higher ground. They are the Mokens, the "sea gypsies", who live on the water and recognized all the signs that something was about to happen. They watched the water recede before the waves. They watched the dolphins swim away, the birds fly off, the animals stampede to higher grounds. What is especially interesting about this group of people is that they are incredibly advanced spiritually. They have no concept of time, no ties to materialism other than moment to moment survival. They don't feel worry and they have no "hellos" or "goodbyes" in their language. Though most would consider them primitive, they're truly more advanced.

Yet, the Mokens aren't special or unique. We all have this gift to be more in tune with nature and our higher selves. We can all connect to this -- it is there for our taking. We must chose this as consciously as we chose the home we buy, the job we take, the life we make. We must chose to be kind to others, kind to the Earth, conscious of how we treat others. This also means we must chose to rid ourselves of our selfish separate self, to endure criticism, to be open to change. We must truly care about other's feelings and helping each other. We can also live a life that is heaven on earth, happy, peaceful and joyous.

It is all for our taking -- right now at this moment.

So, perhaps, there are huge lessons about the tsunami for all of us. Learning that we must take responsibility for how we treat ourselves and this Earth, learning that we must care about other beings for our own sake, and learning that we have the power to connect to source via our higher selves for our own survival, as well.

Have a very happy holiday and peace be with you today!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the relationship you are talking about is symbiotic i think. when a parisite lives off the host in order for the host to thrive. just as the earth re-news itself through earth quakes fires and floors for new life to grow. like a dog shaking off its fleas.

4:09 PM  

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