Monday, March 20, 2006

We Are All Broken

We are all broken -- dysfunctional -- in some way.

We come into this world to learn lessons -- to grow -- to experience -- to change -- ultimately, to learn about love -- to reconnect to Source -- to serve the world -- to find peace, joy, happiness.

We are not here to judge ourselves or others, yet we are our own worst enemies. We all are.

Many want to blame, criticize, point fingers. Others would rather distract themselves from the work. The path is a difficult one -- the journey of self-discovery and self-work is challenging -- nobody likes a mirror pointed in their face. The ego wants to remain isolated, selfish, alone, self-serving. The part of us that is connected to God wants to connect to the Universal Thread -- thrives to help others -- wants to serve.

We all have our own special way that we can help the world. We all really do care deep-down about "us." In the wake of tragedy, our hearts ring out -- our true nature is sincere compassion. Our desires and needs evaporate the more we give to others. Why wait until a tragedy to become more divine?

Why do we end up hurting others for our own selfishness? Are we evil? Are we wrong? We all have our illusions and distortions, but somewhere within, we all know the truth. We just need to keep seeing those aspects of ourselves that don't serve us or the world, let them go, and connect to the light. The light is brilliant, loving, warm, sustaining -- there is only one light that we aim for -- the one that is 100% loving white light. Anything else, just isn't from Source. Make no mistakes about it -- aim for 100% loving white light in all that you do.

Once you connect to that light, then and only then will you know what love is. Because often love is an illusion, a temptation, a barrier to the true love that exists in the light.

Guard yourself of the illusions and distortions of the world, work hard to connect to your divine path, let go of the parts of yourself that don't serve you anymore, connect to 100% loving white light. Do these things and your wonderful new journey of happiness and joy will be at your footstep.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Inside Out

Everything on the outside is a reflection of what is on the inside. Everything we see in the world is a reflection of ourself.

If people are angry or nasty to us, chances are we are this way. If people are rude or selfish, we are this way. If people cheat us, hurt us, scam us, manipulate us, more than likely, we are (or have been) this way. On the positive side, if people are happy and helpful and patient and understanding, we are this way, have been this way -- or are heading this way.

Karma means what goes around, comes around. So, what we put out into the world, comes back to us many times over. Some believe in past lives and that the karma can spill over into other lifetimes. Perhaps, the people who are helping or hurting you in this lifetime, played a significant role in being a victim or helper of yours in the past.

Energy is like a boomerang which always faithfully returns to the one who tossed it.

So in seeing the outside world, we notice what is important for our own self-growth. Then the choice -- do we acknowledge and take responsibility and make the change or do we blame the world and act as a spoiled child and do nothing?

So the real question is -- do we really want to change? Some parts of us do, some parts don't. The part that knows we are all connected and we all have a place to serve in this world, that part thrives on change and growth. However, the part of ourselves -- the "selfish separate self" wants to remain the same. That part -- also known as the "ego" has its own agenda and doesn't understand or acknowledge Universal Consciousness.

The ego will do everything it can to hold us back. The ego will stop us from creating our lives in a wonderful way. The ego wants us to see the world in a way that only serves its needs, desires, expectations. The ego cares only about itself.

So to clarify, the ego is the part of us that: cuts lines, is rude to others, curses at others, cuts people off while driving, lies, cheats, steals, hurts. The ego has fights with others, feels it knows better, loves to argue, convince, thinks others should "kiss ass." The ego wants possessions, cars, money, clothes, prestige, position, power. The list goes on and on, but you get the point and even possibly, your ego may be a little disturbed by now.

The Higher Self, on the other hand, is the part of us that is connected to the Universe, God, Source -- the Divine -- whatever you envision as that of all-knowing, all-loving, all-connectedness. The Higher Self is driven by serving others, helping humankind, love, compassion, tolerance, oneness. The Higher Self has no desires other than to find the joy in serving the world.

So we walk down the street and what do we see? We may see the ego-driven aspects of ourselves and it's always so easy to resonate with that darkness, to get distracted by the dramas, to have the fights with strangers to vent the frustrations and angers of our lives. On the other hand, why not look for the mirrors of our true Higher Self? Why not look for the lovingkindness in others, the compassion, the humanity, the opportunity to help at every corner?

If we all began seeing the world in that way -- right here / right now -- wow!!! What a fantastic change would take place overnight! Think about it the next time someone gets your "ego" back, send them love -- probably they have had a disturbing day. Let go of your selfishness and be compassionate and helpful to others and it will only make your life happier, too.

You will see that the more you help others in life, the more you give to the world, the more you smile -- the more everyone will return the favor. It is guaranteed that the more you let go of the fighting, the anger, the ego-driven practices, the more others will stop doing the same to you. You will see that this really and truly works and it brings with it a promise of totally and wonderfully transforming and uplifting your life.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006



Words spoken by the Ascended Master Kuthumi which were channeled to, and transcribed by, Krishnamurti (Alcyone).

Chapter IV -- LOVE -- Pages 66 to 73.

Three sins there are which work more harm than all else in the world -- gossip, cruelty and superstition -- because they are sins against love. Against these three those who would fill their hearts with the love of God must watch ceaselessly.

See what gossip does. It begins with evil thought, and that in itself is a crime. For in everyone and in everything there is good; in everyone and in everything there is evil. Either of these we can strengthen by thinking of it, and in this way we can help or hinder evolution; we can do the will of the Logos or we can resist it. If you think of the evil in another, you are doing at the same time three wicked things:

(1) You are filling your neighborhood with evil thought instead of with good thought, and so you are adding to the sorrow of the world.

(2) If there is in other persons the evil which you think, you are strengthening it and feeding it; and so you are making them worse instead of better. But generally the evil is not there, and you have only fancied it; and then your wicked thought tempts them to do wrong, for if they are not yet perfect, you may make them that which you have thought them.

(3) You fill your own minds with evil thoughts instead of good; and so you hinder your own growth, and make yourself, for those who can see, an ugly and painful object instead of a beautiful and lovable one.

Not content with having done all this harm to themselves and to their victims, gossips try with all their might to make other people partners in their crime. Eagerly they tell their wicked tale to others, hoping that they will believe it; and then they join with them in pouring evil thought upon the poor sufferer. And this goes on day after day, and is done not by one person but by thousands. Do you begin to see how base, how terrible a sin this is? You must avoid it altogether. Never speak ill of anyone; refuse to listen when anyone speaks ill of another, but gently say: "Perhaps this is not true, and even if it is, it is kinder not to speak of it."

Then as to cruelty. This is of two kinds, intentional and unintentional. Intentional cruelty is purposely to give pain to another living being; and that is the greatest of all sins -- the work of the devil rather than a human being. You would say that no person could do such a thing; but people have done it often, and are daily doing it now. The inquisitors did it; many religious people did it in the name of their religion. Vivisectors do it; many schoolmasters do it habitually. All these people try to excuse their brutality by saying that it is the custom; but a crime does not cease to be a crime because many commit it. Karma takes no account of custom; and the karma of cruelty is the most terrible of all. The fate of the cruel must fall also upon all who go out intentionally to kill God's creatures, and call it "sport."

Such things as these you would not do, I know; and for the sake of the love of God, when opportunity offers, you will speak clearly against them. But there is a cruelty in speech as well as in act; and a person who says a word with the intention to wound another is guilty of this crime. That, too, you would not do; but sometimes a careless word does as much harm as a malicious one. So you must be on your guard against unintentional cruelty.

It comes usually from thoughtlessness. People are so filled with greed and avarice that they never even think of the suffering which they cause to others by paying too little, or by half-starving children. Others think only of their own lust, and care little how many souls and bodies they ruin in satisfying it. Just to save a few minutes' trouble, an employer does not pay workmen on the proper day, thinking nothing of the difficulties this brings upon them. So much suffering is caused just by carelessness -- by forgetting to think how an action will affect others. But karma never forgets, and it takes no account of the fact that people forget. If you wish to enter the Path, you must think of the consequences of what you do, lest you should be guilty of thoughtless cruelty.

Superstition is another mighty evil, and has caused much terrible cruelty. The person who is a slave to it despises others who are wiser, tries to force them to do as he does. Think of the awful slaughter produced by the superstition that animals should be sacrificed. Many crimes have been committed in the name of the God of love, moved by this nightmare of superstition; be very careful therefore that no slightest trace of it remains in you.

These three great crimes you must avoid, for they are fatal to all progress, because they sin against love. But not only must you thus refrain from evil; you must be active in doing good. You must be so filled with the intense desire of service that you are ever on the watch to render it to all around you -- not to people alone, but even to animals and plants. You must render it in small things every day, that the habit may be formed, so that you may not miss the rare opportunity when the great thing offers itself to be done. For if you yearn to be one with God, it is not for your own sake; it is that you may be a channel through which his love may flow to reach your fellows.